4th October 2021
Investing for Children & Grandchildren
With many of us living longer, you may be thinking about how you can support your family at the moments that matter. Sharing your wealth during your lifetime – especially with younger generations facing the pressures of rising house prices and university fees – can really make a difference and bring you great joy too.
Whether you want to teach a child or grandchild smart money management strategies, help them pay for university or set them up for financial success as adults – it’s important to jump-start saving and investing for them early on.
As a parent, guardian or grandparent, you’ll want to provide the best future for them. Birthdays and Christmas are excellent times to encourage children to start thinking about the value of money. Children may receive money on these occasions. But could that money be put to better use?
SETTING YOUR LOVED ONES UP FOR A BRIGHTER FUTURE – With a bit of careful thought and forward planning, there’s a lot you can do to make sure the money you give them goes as far as it can towards setting them up for a brighter future.
LOOKING TO PROVIDE A HEAD START FOR THEIR FUTURE FINANCES? – Many families want to give their children or grandchildren a head start for their future finances. It may be towards university costs, first step on the housing ladder or even an investment to help with their retirement. There are lots of options available to help give your children a flying start. To find out how you can start investing for your child’s or grandchild’s future, please contact us for further information – we look forward to hearing from you.
To read the guide, please click here
To find out more or arrange an appointment, please contact us – we look forward to hearing from you.