20th December 2022
Investment Portfolios
Today’s blog post will look at the origins of ESG investing and the reasons for it’s rise.
The origins of ESG investment may be traced back to the 1960s, but the environmental movement gained speed in the 1970s, with investors increasingly demanding that firms address concerns such as pollution and depletion of natural resources. And in the 1990s, as a result of a string of high-profile business scandals, corporate governance came to the fore.
ESG investment has its origins in the discipline of responsible investing (RI), which arose in response to growing concerns regarding the negative social and environmental repercussions of corporations. Initially, responsible investing concentrated on excluding companies with weak ESG records from investment portfolios.
Visit back tomorrow when we look at how corporate behaviour changed due to the size of ESG. Please contact us for more information on how we can help protect your future financial well-being and the options available to you.
Source data: [1] Aon’s Global Perspectives on Responsible Investing Report January 2022.