15th August 2022
Tips For A Healthy Pension As You Approach Retirement
There will be a lot to think about as you approach the final five years before retirement. To live comfortably in retirement, you’ll need to consider your finances, health, housing situation, and future plans.
There will be numerous questions to be asked:
i. How much money do I need to save?
ii. What will my retirement income sources be?
iii. What kind of retirement lifestyle do I want?
iv. What are my health-care requirements in retirement?
v. What are my retirement long-term care requirements?
vi. What will my estate planning requirements be in retirement?
vii. What are my retirement tax considerations?
There are also a few things to consider in order to have a comfortable stay. This five part news article will explore your options to the above questions over the coming week. Visit back each day to learn more. Alternatively, contact Woodward Markwell for further information or download our Making the Most of Your Future guide.